March 9, 2025

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Harnessing The Power Of Tech

How Has Technology Changed Our Lives?

How Has Technology Changed Our Lives?

In the midst of the darkness that engulfed the world, the technology changed the entire life of the human beings. Undoubtedly, we have some negative repercussions of the technology but the positive results of technology have more weight than that of negative. However, it seems a little bit difficult for us to believe that technology has changed our life because it has taken its place slowly and gradually. Therefore, there are innumerable justifications which have been spotlighted below which can prove us that how technology has changed our life in-toto.

Education System

Education is a broad field but if we take only a single aspect that is the way of learning then we can come across with great difference that how it has changed our life. For instance, when we were young, it was so hard for us to have a good education along with the variety of examples, and we used to go to buy different expensive books just for the sake of limited topics for making notes and can have good marks in our exams. However, in this technological world, it has become very easy to access different topics on the world of the internet in the very short span of time which also can also be shared with the friends on social media

Business System

In the ancient time, it was too difficult to give advertisement of newly launched business with outdated sources such as pasting posters on the wall, distributing the pamphlet to people in a busy market, etc. However, in this contemporary world, technology has made very easy for sharing advertisement of our business at different areas such as on internet sites, on social media, on big LCD’s at busy roads, etc. So, this is how our life has changed due to technical assistance and we can easily promote our business in no time.

Medical Department

Besides the field of business, Medical Department is at its peak just because of technology. In early life, it was the only Malaria, a fatal disease, because of that many people lost their lives, but now this Malaria which is caused by Plasmodium can easily be treated without any risk. Similarly, this medical science is working efficiently and it has diagnosed innumerable ways to live a secure life than earlier. Therefore, technology is the only liable course which has changed our life.

Communication System

Last but not least, the communication system has completely changed our life in this technological world and has made a world as a global village. Formerly, people used to send their message through the help of pigeons, then postman but now it has become very easy not to just send the message but also can have access to video call to the one you want to send the message. This is the internet along with smartphones which have made easier for every individual to connect himself with all his distant relatives around the world. Thus, it is the only technology which has made our lives easier than before.

In short, we are totally dependent on the technology and all we are eating, wearing, writing, etc. all made of technology which means we are totally relying on the world of technology, so this is how technology has changed our life without which it is impossible to survive such an easy life.