March 9, 2025

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High Demand For Advanced Camera Batteries Continues

High Demand For Advanced Camera Batteries Continues

Batteries for portable electronic devices have advanced through the years and have also become more affordable today. Their demand continues to be on peak due to the growing number of devices that utilize them ranging from mobile phones and laptops to digital cameras.

A 2005 report by MarketWire titled “Batteries” showed that in the United States alone, the demand for primary and secondary batteries was forecast to go up each year at 5.9 percent reaching $14.8 billion up to the year 2009. The two main reasons attributed to this growth are the high demand for battery powered gadgets and the rise in the manufacture of electronic and electrical devices. The research also pointed out a change in the type of batteries consumers use from the regular alkaline based to the lithium ones which are seen to perform better in equipment that can easily drain a battery.

The primary batteries including the alkaline types continue to make up for a huge chunk of battery sales worldwide at 70 percent. There’s no doubt that the alkaline cells remain as the most preferred battery. The other types such as the zinc-air as well as the secondary ones that include the lithium and nickel are still behind but are fast catching up.

With electronic gadgets so highly advanced today, they can drain off a battery in a matter of minutes of use. Thankfully, manufacturers are quick in responding to people’s needs and that’s why today, there are various types of batteries from the non-rechargeable to the rechargeable ones. With these products, people are given more choices when it comes to picking the battery type that best suits their requirements.

Recent reports predicted the strongest growth rate for the lithium ion, lithium polymer and nickel-metal hydride batteries. A major reason for the positive growth is their great performance and their decrease in prices.

The rechargeable AA batteries used for digital cameras as known as nickel metal hydride or NiMh and the lithium ion or Li-ion pack. These two can be recharged for hundreds of times although the Li-ion pack requires its own custom charger and can work only with certain models of digicams.

Price wise, the NiMh is cheaper at only $15 to $20 for a pack of four. The downside is that it drains faster than the Li-ion pack. While the Li-ion costs more at $50 to $70, it performs longer which means it can provide your digital camera more power for long periods. Many people also find this pack more convenient and comfortable to use compared to using four pieces of AA batteries.

Recharging times are different for both. The NiMh can be fully charged within one to two hours while the Li-ion pack requires longer recharging period from three to five hours.

Remember that it’s very important to know what types of battery your digital camera accommodates. Some models use only AA batteries, some use just the pack type while the others can accommodate both. Make sure as well never to mix battery brands when you’re using your digital camera as this can cause adverse effects on the functioning of your device.